Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Basics: Posture

Irish time: 10:17am | Paris time: 11:17am
Have you ever seen a Parisienne walking? Just walking.
Everything about them exudes confidence without seeming cocky.
Everyone automatically assumes that I'm talking about their shoulders and their posture which I guess I am but I've noticed something else. I don't know what to think about it or even if I like it.
French women turn their feet slightly outwards as they walk. I personally think it looks a bit masculine and uncomfortable, but the majority of them do it and it seems to be working for them.
They walk with their shoulders back and their chests out but never in a slutty, in-your-face way. Their backs are straight and they constantly walk with purpose, never second guessing themselves.
I think that's the key to Parisian women though, whether it's walking or anything at all. They never second guess themselves.
Bisous x

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